dreaming of

the ocean...

driftwood… a piece of nature sculpted by time.

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a quiet start to the New Year……

....a year ago we were travelling to Florida and back. We started this year pretty quietly. We laid low for the last few months, set up a couple times at the Jackson County Flea Market during January and March, which was fun, but now as we enter April and May, we begin the start of our season, and … read more

another New Year is upon us…..

.....2023 is almost gone and 2024 will be here in a couple days.  We did a bit of driving this year.....besides the month-long trip in February to Florida pulling our 5th wheel, we went to Colorado Springs in August for our daughter and son-in-law's renewal of their vows. It was certainly nice to … read more

where does the time go……

.....I find myself longing for the coast. I will turn a year older in October and we will be heading that way for a week of R&R. It sounds funny to say that because we are retired and  should already be resting and relaxing, but we have been off in different directions doing other things for the … read more